Church Shopping? Here's a list of the differences between the Presbyterian Denominations: Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA), Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO), and Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
Separating the sheep from the goats - Historical Buffalo Presbyterian Church in Greensboro NC has split with the Presbyterian Church (USA) for all the right, biblical reasons. My prayers go out to Pastor Alex McFarland and the entire congregation of Buffalo Presbyterian Church that you might grow and spread the truth and joy of God's true word.
Here's one last tidbit of news just for the PCUSA and it's
Religion of Peace Update. ISIS has upped it's number of Christian captives from around 90 to over 220. Please please please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in their tribulation.
Mr. Pope sticks golden shod foot in mouth... yet again.
Feeding the goats. Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder
Tim Tebow, whipping boy for the secular world, shows God's love to those that need it most.
Coptic Christian Bishop Angaelos' words prove beyond any doubt that the Coptic religion is truly Christian. I pray for their men and women living in peril during their tribulation, and I pray for many so called Christian bloggers living safe here in America who denied the Copts love of Christ and showed them slightly more love than they'd show ISIS.
The Obama administration is forcing Christian relief groups to refer refugee women and children for abortions. Pray for our country.
Pray for Hollywood. Yes, the accusation is true, Christians see Hollywood as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah rather than a modern day Nineva, however Nineva repented and obeyed God when His prophet Jonah brought them news that God had Plans for Nineva (Matthew 12:41). However Nineva turned from God guaranteeing its destruction (Nahum 2:6-11). Either comparison doesn't bode well for Hollywood, but Matthew 5:44 is still a command from Jesus.
Speaking of Hollywood... ya think?
Where to find anti Christian bigots.