One of the classic low-octane assaults on Christianity by nonbelievers is that Christians blindly follow. After that the idea of exactly what Christians are blindly following gets kind of muddled: a god that doesn't exist, a charismatic leader, a paper pope, a real pope, a book filled with fables, a cult built on lies. Unfortunately that's how the fallen world sees us, blindly following something that they know doesn't exist. In their eyes Christians are just plain stupid.
I've been told I have blind faith in a God that doesn't exist by a Wiccan. Seriously. In hindsight my rolling on the floor in gales of laughter was probably the wrong reaction, but come on - think about it. It's funny.
In reality if these assaults were educated assaults there would be far fewer assaults. God doesn't want blind followers Name one religion that demands that you test everything you're taught. A true Christian know that one of his or her responsibilities is to learn what's good and bad:
19 Do not quench the Spirit; 20 do not despise prophetic utterances. 21 But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; 22 abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)
No other holy book asks its reader to put what it says to the test. The Bible can make this bold statement because its truthfulness passes every test put to it.