Facebook is completely unaware of the concept of Satire, in fact the politically motivated children whom Facebook employs as "Fact Checkers" know as little about satire as they know about real life here in America. These Child-Gods storm around the social media world demanding that we bow to their adolescent whims and infantile tirades, suspending accounts and putting their stamp of disapproval on posts they deem to be in opposition to The Greater Good.
I saw this little missive posted on Facebook as as I tried to read it, a warning popped up. So, I figured (correctly) that if it angers the Facebook Child Gods, it's got to be correct, so I saved the picture and posted it to my Facebook news feed. Sure enough, I got the Facebook Child-God Stamp Of Disapproval
Your "Fact Checkers" are clearly biased and incapable of recognizing satire when presented so here's a little help for the more slow witted
satire (noun) · satires (plural noun)
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
- mockery · ridicule · derision · scorn · caricature · irony · sarcasm
- a play, novel, film, or other work which uses satire.
"a stinging satire on American politics"
parody · burlesque · caricature · lampoon · skit · takeoff · squib · travesty · spoof · sendup · pasquinade · pasticcio
- a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.
(in Latin literature) a literary miscellany, especially a poem ridiculing prevalent vices or follies.
If you need more help with the English language or concepts embodied in humor or parody I'm willing to allow you to hire me. Please contact me to work out pay and benefits.
I'll let you all know what the Facebook executive lounge is like.
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