Tolerance is the battle cry of the Left lately, according to them we must be tolerant of all that they deem worthy of tolerance. Failure to do so would brand you with the title of "Intolerant", which for some reason they consider to be a synonym of hatred.
The Christian Left (most notably the Red Letter Christians) use a cafeteria style study of the bible, picking and choosing the verses they feel to be the only ones worth following for a variety of reasons; they were uttered by Christ, they contain the word "love", they are gluten free... but in the end they chose the passages that fit their narrative rather than God's.
For the Christian Left this works perfectly, because by picking and choosing verses and preaching a myopic view of the word of God you crush the Berean spirit in your congregation. It also allows you redefine words and concepts, bending them to your own agenda. A congregation that will let you wreck havoc on the English language like this will follow you straight into the pit, checkbooks in hand. Look at the master, the Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie, the Slayer Of Strawmen. In a response to "Keep preaching tolerance, Chuck" he replied "I will," then quoted Matthew 22:37-40 and finished with
No one will hear that message from you, I'm sad to say. They will from me. And I do pray that God softens your heart. Living off hate isn't really living. It's hell.
Unfortunately for the followers of the Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie, he used a bait and switch routine that retailers would pay him huge dollars to bring their establishments so they could clear their shelves of substandard merchandise. The Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie did a marvelous job of pretending he didn't know what the antonym of "tolerance" (disagree) and made up his own antonym: Hatred. Hatred is not an antonym of tolerance byt that didn't stop the Rev. Dr. Currie from hammering his commentator over the head with his made up definition, then he prayed that God softens her heart.