Driving up Colorado Boulevard, a few blocks north of Colfax Avenue, I passed by the Messiah "We take the Bible seriously, not literally" Community Church. (Yes, that is actually part of their statement of faith)
I enjoy reading their sign out front because it's a great indicator of which direction the Emergent Church is stumbling each week. The Messiah Community Church is a member of the ELCA and is "tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming" which makes them a bellweather of heretical teaching. The sign out front of their building will espouse everything from the worship of Evolution to the sanctity of feminism. I fully expected their church sign to congratulate Bill Nye on his Emmy Nomination for the Gender Spectrum Horror Show, but it simply said "Taizé Style Worship" This,of course, sent me in to a spiral of research to find out what Taizé style worship is and unfortunately, I found out.
The Taizé Community was founded by a Roman Catholic monk named Brother Roger. Roger was born and raised a protestant but fell ill with tuberculosis in 1940. During his convalescence he began to feel drawn to a monastic way of life and he disliked formal preaching. He grew to love the frippery and idolatry of the catholic church;
I have found my own identity as a Christian by reconciling within myself the faith of my origins with the mystery of the Catholic faith, without breaking fellowship with anyone - Brother Roger, 1980
In 1940 he founded a ecumenical monastic community in Taizé, a village in Burgundy, France, where Roger devoted himself to reconciling the different Christian churches. He did this by targeting Christian youth. He encouraged in them a spiritual quest as a common endeavor "... to go on searching through silence and prayer, to get in touch with our inner life."